Home » Review » 58 Thoughts I Had While Watching Chasing Life (01×04: I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead)

58 Thoughts I Had While Watching Chasing Life (01×04: I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead)

  1. Leo is LEADING support group…so he’s had cancer! Or…he still has it? I sometimes forget which.
  2. When’s he gonna look over at April? He seems to be a little too focused on the people in front of him. Come on! Include the entire class!
  3. “Moral to the story: don’t get a brain tumor, kids. They suck.” I’ll try, Leo.
  4. Sure, as soon as he’s finished with his monologue, he finally sees April.
  5. This might be a teeny bit rude, but I feel like the extras in this scene actually had cancer, which is exactly what they did on The Fault In Our Stars. That, or the director decided to cast a more diverse group of adults. And by “diverse”, I mean by attraction. Let’s face it: most of these actors aren’t Hollywood-attractive, but don’t take that as a diss! I’d probably be there with you! If it turns out that they actually DID cast cancer patients, well then… Let me just backspace here…
  6. When Leo first said “Bloomies”, it took a while for me to get what he meant, until I remembered that one FRIENDS episode where Rachel was trying to attract one of the neighbors in the building. The neighbor’s friend was trying to attract her at a housewarming party, but he was too much of a mama’s boy to actually be seen as an adult. His one line was, “So I hear you work at Bloomingdales. My mommy calls it ‘bloomies’.”
  7. Okay, so he DID pay for the damage in the parking lot. I mean, the money probably came from Daddy anyway, but it still sorta came from him. You know, the same way I spent $150 of my allowance money to buy my Christmas gifts for the five people in my family (including the dog). It doesn’t matter the cost, but it’s the…thought that counts…
  8. Come on, Leo. Give her a little credit. Although I don’t blame him. His father just started his election campaign for governor and she IS a journalist who would do anything (that is still honorable) to get a story.
  9. That moment when you realize that “6:53 AM” is sleeping in for people who work.
  10. Ooh… “The thing where they stick a needle into your hip bone to suck the bone marrow out of you.” Yeah, that’s excruciating.
  11. “The only c-words I am worried about today are ‘caffeine’ and ‘concealer’.” I thought she was gonna say something else. I have to admit: I was slightly disappointed. Did she at least say it once during rehearsals, just to get a few laughs?
  12. Of course, the only symptoms that George manages to list are the ones that April has experienced, and I think in chronological order, too. Jeez, April. You’re so irresponsible.
  13. April is choosing career over health. L
  14. Did Raquel JUST start that document? Considering how she was typing, it seems like she’d been there at least minutes. The director was probably like, “It’s fine. Just pretend that you’re busy writing a new article.” I feel as if she should be a little further into her assignment and somebody just got lazy at the beginning of the scene. Bad enough not to type in random bullshit to take up space.
  15. Sure, Greer seems like that fake blonde who just wants to win over popularity points by attracting more friends, but she’s really awesome.
  16. Kieran: She’s cute. Brenna: Don’t get any ideas. She’s gay. Kieran: Oh, now I’m thinking of a lot of really AWESOME ideas. Brenna and me: Shut up.
  17. April (gets onto an elevator with Dominic while Danny steps out): Danny, where are you going? Danny: Taking the stairs. I don’t want to be stuck in an 8×8 box with you two exchanging longing looks. (As the elevator doors close, April and Dominic stare into each other’s eyes.) Me: They’re so funny. Not cute. Just funny.
  18. Why would Dominic’s editor want him to write about fashion? Don’t they want someone to know (and care about) what they’re talking about? Not that I’m judging the writers here. I want to speak with that editor though, giving Dominic a hard time. It’s weird, but it’s one of those plot points that makes it convenient so that what’s about to happen, can happen, which is crucial to the storyline as far as Dominic and April’s romance goes.
  19. “When you say you’re taking work home, is that limited to those files?” Oh, God, Dominic. What a line.
  20. Who needs two bags? I understand that one’s for work and the other is her purse, but why not just use one bag? That’s what I do and I carry a ton of useless shit.
  21. Falling asleep on the train (especially that easily) …bad idea, even when you’re not sick. In fact, it’s horrible. You can’t rely on your body to walk you up when you need to, and nobody can wake you up because they don’t know when your stop is.
  22. Wait, when did April tell him that she hadn’t told her family about the cancer yet? I thought he was still assuming she told them already.
  23. “If you place the wrong thing as top priority for too long, you won’t be waking up at the wrong train stop. You’ll be waking up in the wrong life.” George, why you gotta be so dramatic?
  24. “I feel like I already have.” April, why you gotta be so dramatic?
  25. Well, THAT’S embarrassing. He’s gonna take back those words.
  26. Shouldn’t her arm be slightly bruised from the blood transfusion? The discoloration could just be concealed under the bandage, but I feel as if maybe the bruise should be bigger? (Shrugs.) Medicine.
  27. Brenna’s phone isn’t even unlocked during this conversation. Seriously, you can’t fake those when you’re filming? More than half the population is familiar with how iPhones work and we WILL notice. If there’s something remotely different than what happens in reality, we’re gonna notice.
  28. Sassy April’s gonna be sassy!!
  29. “April, have you lost weight? You’re swimming in that dress.” I wish someone would tell me that for once. (Eats all the bad feelings away.)
  30. Greer: Brenna? Did you hear what I said? Brenna: Yeah, Black Death. Greer: Do you even know what that is? Me:…The Plague…?
  31. Beth: So what’s this about a bruise? (April shows her.) That looks nasty. April: It doesn’t even hurt. Me: Because it’s MAKEUP!!
  32. Dress #1: No. Dress #2: Yeah, you’re SWIMMING in that thing. Dress #3: Not bad. Dress #4: That’s #s 1 and 2 combined. Dress #5: LOL more fishes. Dress #6: No. Dress #7: That looks good, except not really elegant enough. Exactly, it’s boring. Dress #8: Didn’t get to see the entire thing. Dress #9: That dress is fine, but the pearls…not to mention, the bruise. That outer garment makes it worse. The bruise fits better. That second garment was actually pretty with the dress. Except bruise. Dress #10: It was nice enough for the party except the concealer. That’s concealer, right? I don’t wear makeup. Dress #11: That’s it. Okay, I already knew this, but that’s it.
  33. Now that you say Dominic’s not gonna be there, he’s gonna be there!
  34. Fancy party in the fancy building.
  35. Dominic and Leo…those two boys…
  36. Don’t trust him, April. If he’s making you wait this long, he probably won’t give you that exclusive. He’s a suspicious being. (I’m trying to make it sound like I have no clue what’s about to happen. Am I succeeding?)
  37. Brenna so lazy. Brenna not even trying. But Brenna brings it when there’s more to lose. Or rather more to gain. Clever girl.
  38. April: Raquel! I love your dress! Raquel: Love yours, too. I think I almost bought it actually. I don’t remember though. It was just so long ago. Me: Jeez, what happened to not becoming those competitive girls who get catty?
  39. That guy behind April saying, “WOW…”
  40. Yeah, April. A slap in the face. That’s the kind of shit you get in the business. You get promised something and then the person just takes it away from you for their own personal gain. Raquel was right: nobody has your back.
  41. I really hate people who ride motorcycles. They’re fast, they’re crazy, and sometimes, they sneak up right next to you and that’s not okay! I almost collided with one because I didn’t see him. The damage wouldn’t have done anything to me, but the other guy?? What, I have to look out for your skinny bike, too? Yeah, I really should, actually…
  42. There’s that almost “F-word” again!
  43. That tango instructor—isn’t he an actual famous dancer? Maxim Scherbatsky or something.
  44. Ooh, Brenna…you forgot about the tango class… At least you’re getting a workout of your own.
  45. Brenna: Sorry, not sorry. Me: Shouldn’t she have added a hashtag before that? Like, isn’t that an actual hashtag now?
  46. So NOW her ankle hurts? While she’s trying not to give Brenna the match point? Of course. They wanted to make it obvious that Brenna was going to win so it wouldn’t blow out to an even bigger competition. They’re supposed to become friends, after all. Well, maybe not friends, but tolerable classmates. Hehehe, oh, it’s more than that.
  47. This is your chance. Tell him.
  48. Dominic: What ‘90s sitcom should we pretend to watch while making out at my place? Me: FRIENDS. Always FRIENDS. Except I’d actually be watching. Sorry, Future Makeout Partner.
  49. Wait, so is it customary to wear a bra underneath a fancy dress with no straps? They have fancy bras like that? So now there’s evidence that I don’t go to fancy parties.
  50. Okay, another competitive blowout between sisters on who has it worse.
  51. (Gasp!) She said it! To an actual family member she likes! It was by accident, but she said it. It’s a first step toward setting up a good foundation for the support she’ll need down the line.
  52. How come people never turn red when they cry on TV? Lighting?
  53. Mom’s a pretty good dancer. Then again, she’s dancing with a professional.
  54. So after a fight, do family members typically confront each other and talk about it? Mine just leave me alone until I perk up the courage to go downstairs. For food.
  55. April seems to be unaware of how excruciating this biopsy will be. She keeps saying that she’ll be fine and she doesn’t need someone there. I mean, I don’t expect her to know, but shouldn’t George have warned her of how agonizing it’d be? Wow. I guess he really doesn’t care about her after all.
  56. Okay, I’ve been waiting to say something about this scene for a while and now, I have a place to talk about it. You can probably tell that I’ve been pointing toward this flaw for a while during this episode. April, they’re sucking something directly out of your bone. I know they injected lidocaine, but the pain meds can only do so much. You find people screaming because it hurts so much. Did the director find someone to do some research or have a medical consultant? Even if the medicine written in the show is BS, they should at least be realistic about the pain the patient is in during the biopsy. It makes no difference in the scene since Brenna arrives as her last-minute support and does not change anything about her. WHY DIDN’T YOU MAKE HER SCREAM IN PAIN?!
  57. Yeah, this scene was sort of VERY poorly acted. I didn’t believe she was in pain at all and anything that involves sucking something from bone is pure torture. (Go back to point #10.) In that respect, George definitely wouldn’t have been able to perform the procedure. In fact, if that scene was accurate and she did scream, he should have stepped down as someone who could take her marrow and delegated it to another doctor.
  58. But hey! It’s fiction! They can do whatever the hell they want.

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